Pommes de Terre Au Four – For BloggerAid

I’ve decided to help BloggerAid’s to put together a book to help raise funds for a good cause. BloggerAid’s is a fast growing group of global food bloggers coming together in a common goal to help raise awareness of world hunger. Besides raising awareness about world hunger, they are collecting original recipes from fellow bloggers around the world to publish a cookbook to be put on sale on Amazon.com by this year end. 100% profits from the sales of this book will fund School Meals for underprivileged children all over the world, a program of the World Food Programme (WFP), the United Nations front line agency.

The dish I’ll be contributing to the book is a family dish called Pommes de Terre Au Four, and has been in my darling’s family for a few generations. This time around, no recipe will be shown here until the book is out later on this year.

Pommes de Terre Au Four